These are words I grew up with. Each time our doorbell would ring, these are the words my mother would lovingly speak to whomever was at the door - expected or unexpected. And these are the words I speak to you as I welcome you to my site. Well, hello. How nice to “see" you. Come in and have a look around. You can learn more about me when you take a look at My Story, hear my heart when you check out my book “In The Lingering Light,” and you even have an opportunity to connect with me (which I would love).
So, enjoy your visit and I hope we get to know each other a bit better.
"Well, hello! How nice to see you. Come in.”
It’s hard to believe that I am closing in on the 4th year of my life without my husband, Bob. Alzheimer’s Disease became an unwelcome guest in our home. I became a caregiver for just over 3 years. While his death was not unexpected, I did suddenly find myself in a whole new world. Over these years I have learned, and continue to learn many life lessons about living alone. How about you? Are you finding yourself suddenly single (either by death or divorce)? What is one life lesson you have learned, or are learning, in this new chapter of your life - since you have been “flying solo?" It can be a deep spiritual lesson, a practical lesson, a funny lesson, or a poignant lesson. I’d love to hear from you. And if this isn’t YOUR story, perhaps you know someone who is living this story. I bet he or she would love to share with you - and then perhaps you would share with me. We can all learn together.
Please visit my blog, where I share experiences and thoughts about Flying Solo.

Courage and Hope for the Alzheimer’s Caregiver
If the shadow of Alzheimer’s has turned your world upside down, remember that the light of God’s presence and care will never dim. In the Lingering Light is a valuable field guide for Alzheimer’s caregivers, written by one who has gone before you. Cynthia Fantasia packs courage, stamina, and faith to help sustain you on the uncertain road ahead. You will receive practical guidance throughout the progression of Alzheimer’s, stories from traveling companions, nuggets of truth to care for yourself along the way, and prayers to guide you.
In the Lingering Light will become a treasured resource and reminder that you are not alone.
“My hope for In the Lingering Light is that you will know you are part of a huge chorus of brothers and sisters who are on this journey, and that my story will give you strength and brighten your day.” – Cynthia Fantasia