Prayer plays such an important role in our daily lives. I am always humbled when I think that the Creator of the universe, the King of Kings, and my Shepherd, actually is eager to hear my heart with its praise and concerns. As I read Scripture, I am always struck by a word or phrase that seems to guide my prayer words each day. I’d like to share some of those thoughts and words with you as I draw you to a portion of Scripture and then share a prayer with you. Perhaps you might like to add a sentence or two to personalize the prayer. Remember, God is eager to hear from you.

"I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth."
Psalm 121:1,2
Most gracious heavenly Father, Creator, Deliverer and Lord of lords. We are your weary people. We are sad and concerned, and yes, fearful of the unknowns that seem to be hovering around us day and night.
In these challenging days, we are experiencing losses of those things that seemed to give our lives value and joy: graduations that will not take place, weddings that are altered, vacations that won’t happen, friends (and family) that must remain socially distant – we LONG for those days when our lives were filled with wonder and activity.
I am reminded of the Psalmist’s words from Psalm 121 – that we are to lift our eyes to the mountains and remember that our help comes from you – the Creator of the mountains. The beauty and the majesty of the mountains don’t even compare with the beauty and majesty of their Creator. I am humbled to think that the One who created not only the mountains but the entire universe is the One who hung the sun and the moon, and Who strategically placed each star in its special place. Then I am on my knees when I think that this same awesome Creator is the ONE who lovingly created me, who knows the very number of hairs on my head, who knows my thoughts even before I do, and Who sent His own Son to die for me. Oh Lord, You are my help and my hope.
Lord, refocus our longings in these challenging days. May we long for YOU! May we read Your Word with a new perspective and a hungry heart! And may each day be the best day – because it is blessed by You.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.